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How to Make Money on YouTube Without Making Videos With Niche Channels

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How to Make Money on YouTube Without Making Videos With Niche Channels

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Did you know that you can make money on YouTube without ever getting behind a camera or showing your face?

I know that sounds crazy, but if you want to achieve success on YouTube without spending hours a day in front of a camera filming with countless retakes, buying extremely expensive video and audio equipment and without even being good at technology, I’d love to introduce you to something called Niche YouTube Channels. 

My name is Matt Par and I actually do this method. I run 12 different YouTube channels, 12 of which are niche channels where I don’t even make the videos for those channels. I’ve been able to get over 1 million subscribers on a single channel and over 100,000 subscribers on multiple other channels and I’ve never shown my face on these channels.

Just a couple years ago in 2014 I was a completely broke high school student. At the time, I had a YouTube channel and would just upload all these random videos of gaming videos, backyard stunts, and videos with my friends. I would be lucky to have a video get 10 views.

That is until I came across a YouTube channel that uploaded videos without showing their face, they used other peoples’ videos but did a voice over on top of them and made them fair use and the videos seemed so easy to make.

So you know what I did? I took this crappy iPhone I had at the time, did voice overs in my high pitch squeaky voice, and uploaded the videos to YouTube. After switching to this method I was able to get to making $3,000 a month within a few months and I got to making $9,000 a month within the first year and this is just with one channel.

And what’s amazing about niche channels is that they can be outsourced, meaning you can pay other people to make the videos for you. So I put together a content team on that original channel for very cheap and was able to start more channels in different niches and today I run 12 different channels and make over $30,000 a month from them from just ad revenue alone.

matt par holding gold play button from youtube

I was able to get the gold play button from YouTube for hitting over 1 million subscribers and several silver play buttons for hitting over 100,000 subscribers on multiple other channels.

What Most People Think Regarding Doing YouTube

Now before I explain to you what this unique way of doing YouTube is, let me first explain what most people think of when they think of doing YouTube. And this will give you more context so you understand how amazing niche channels truly are. When most people think about doing YouTube, they think about getting behind a camera and filming videos. And while there are some good pros to this method there’s a lot of cons.


  • You spend a lot of money buying expensive cameras, microphones, lighting, and setting up a studio

  • You sit there trying to come up with new ideas for videos that you hope will get views (and for most people they never do)

  • You spend hours in front of a camera filming a video with countless retakes (and you have to be a good on-camera personality)

  • You edit for hours and hours and then when you finally get your video uploaded that took so much effort to make you have to deal with

  • People attacking you personally in the comments

  • Getting no views

  • Then you do the process again…and again


You may have been thinking about doing this, you may have done it and know how much of a draining process this can be, or you’ve seen other people try to do this and fail. I’ve seen so many people try to do this.

Now let me explain the benefits of running niche channels.


  • With niche channels, you don’t have to ever step in front of a camera, meaning you don’t have to have a crazy personality and have to deal with everything involved in that whole process.

  • You can start generating videos for completely free meaning there is an insane profit margin

  • And most importantly, you’ll be able to outsource the entire process and run multiple channels and scale

Just Imagine

Imagine you just had one niche channel and made an extra $3,000 a month. How would that change your life? Would you be able to quit your job? Or imagine running multiple niche channels that are fully automated and you just spend a few hours managing the operation while those channels bring in consistent revenue every day. And then with the rest of your time, you’re free to do whatever you want. And you have consistent money coming in to pay for whatever you want to pay for in your life.

How would you feel if you woke up everyday knowing that you have channels bringing in consistent income for you? And think about everything else that would fall in place such as being able to spend more time with the people you truly care about, being able to travel, and being able to do whatever you want. It would be a game changer right?

In this article, I’ll show you exactly how to start implementing this unique way of doing YouTube and I’ll walk you through a simple strategy that you can use to get results fast, so make sure to check out our blog session. I’ve also got some exciting news for those who are serious about doing this the right way, I just released a new version of my program Tube Mastery and Monetization 3.0 with a ton of bonuses and I’m going to take a hand-full of new students and teach them exactly how I build profitable niche channels from scratch.

By joining Tube Mastery and Monetization 3.0, you’re not just gaining access to the latest techniques and strategies, but you’re also becoming part of a supportive community dedicated to your success. As a member, you’ll have exclusive access to live Q&A sessions, bonus resources, and ongoing support to ensure you’re always moving forward on your YouTube journey.

Imagine what it would feel like to finally crack the code to YouTube success, to see your channel grow exponentially, and to turn your passion into a profitable online business. With my training Tube Mastery and Monetization 3.0, that dream can become a reality. So, if you’re ready to take your YouTube game to the next level and join the ranks of successful YouTubers, don’t hesitate any longer. Enroll Tube Mastery & Monetization now and let’s embark on this exciting journey together. Your audience is waiting, and so are your dreams.

I’ll also leave the link to my Complete FREE Training down below. Enjoy it!


Text taken from Matt Par’s official blog. You can visit here or attend a free training

By clicking here, you will receive a Free Masterclass from Matt Par where you’ll learn how make money with Faceless Youtube Channels on 2024


*Earnings and income representations made by Matt Par,, and their advertisers/sponsors are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. These results are not typical and results will vary. The results on this page are OUR results and from years of testing. We can in NO way guarantee you will get similar results. Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of practicing YouTube since 2014, and have an established following as a result. The average person who buys any "how to" information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors. This site is not a part of the YouTube website. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by YouTube in any way. This site is based on the official website from Matt Par. The owner of this site is an affiliate and all the links takes to the official website of Tube Mastery and Monetization, giving to the owner a comission when one action is taken, like a purchase.